


你的位置:金田一少年事件簿真人版 > 熊出没第95集诡异视频 > 在爱情的惊涛骇浪中无助地漂泊国际恐怖主义
发布日期:2024-07-01 06:15    点击次数:108


wap.yugawa.xyz 小兒子 愛搞怪的小東西feat. 林隆璇(Kevin Lin) & 林亭翰(Justin Lin)作詞:蘇麗媚作曲:張牧喬愛搞怪的小東西Little kooky boy.聽說我家住了愛搞怪的小東西Rumor says a little kooky boy living in my house.小東西 小東西Kooky boy Kooky boy.給飛機穿新衣 繽紛美麗再搭一點點詭異Put a new dress for the airplane. Beauty but also creepy.有點調皮 有點調皮Quite naughty Quite naughty.聽說我家住了搞怪小東西Rumor says a little kooky boy living in my house.掃把Guitar唱歌打賞不稀奇People paying for playing guitar with a broom.還帶點帥氣Actually quite cool.你一直A+BYou put A + B搞得我頭昏腦脹I'm now dizzy還要塞一個CAnd one more C這會是一場什麼樣的冒險What an adventure!噠噠噠啦達 我是發明大王不露痕跡Dong Dong Dong Dong. I'm an inventor.搞得我頭昏腦脹I'm now dizzy.噠噠噠啦達 我是發明大王不露痕跡Dong Dong Dong Dong. I'm an inventor.這會是一場什麼樣的冒險What an adventure.創造力隨時展開 出其不意Being creative. A little bit sneaky.噠噠噠啦 超級神秘 大大魔力Dong Dong Dong Dong. Super mysterious. That's magic.更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 一出招力大無比 擾亂呼吸 髒亂失序Give you a punch. Can't breathe. So messy.搞秘密基地 家裡頭痛不已 我不在意Secret place. Headache. I don't mind it.這就是創造力的神奇 天下無敵That's creativity. So magic. I come to win.聽說你想 做隻鳥飛向無際Rumor says you want to be a bird.叫了烏bird 送來翅膀KentuckyThen you called Uber. Here's a wing from Kentucky.有點邏輯 有點邏輯What's the logic?聽說你想做個robot 打遊戲Rumor says you make a robot to play the game.搞好AI拿到寶物 超無敵Use the AI to get the treasure and win the game.讓你驚奇So surprising.你一直A+BYou put A + B.搞得我頭昏腦脹I'm now dizzy.還要塞一個CAnd one more C.這會是一場什麼樣的冒險What an adventure.噠噠噠啦達 我是發明大王不露痕跡Dong Dong Dong Dong. I'm an inventor.噠噠噠啦達 我是發明大王不露痕跡Dong Dong Dong Dong. I'm an inventor.小宇宙腦袋外掛 創造神力Brain works like a hacker. Super power.噠噠噠啦 超級神秘 大大魔力Dong Dong Dong Dong. Super mysterious. That's magic. 一出招力大無比 擾亂呼吸 髒亂失序Give you a punch. Can't breathe. So messy.搞秘密基地 家裡頭痛不已 我不在意Secret place. Headache. I don't mind it.這就是創造力的神奇 天下無敵That's creativity. So magic. I come to win.


